Dr. Mark Johnson, DDS | SeaCoast Comprehensive Dentistry & Facial Aesthetics
215 Third Street, Flagler Beach, FL 32136 • Map & Directions
SeaCoast Flagler Beach Comprehensive Dentistry
Dr. Johnson has been providing old fashioned personal dental care in Flagler Beach since 1999.
He and his exceptional office staff are committed to providing you with the highest level of care. Our team takes pride in carefully listening to your concerns and providing you with the specific and appropriate treatment that you request.
We focus on the patients comfort and provide the most comprehensive care. Our policy for emergency patients is “send them right over”.
What To Expect
The Doctor and Staff want you to feel comfortable and confident about your safety and security while under our care. No question is too small or insignificant. Our goal is to answer any question you may have.
First time Visitors: Patient Registration Form
Should you find yourself in need of additional help, information, or have a question, don’t hesitate to give us a call at (386) 439-9688.
We take most Insurance Carriers and Medicad. Please contact us for more detail.